Package 'cir'

Title: Centered Isotonic Regression and Dose-Response Utilities
Description: Isotonic regression (IR) and its improvement: centered isotonic regression (CIR). CIR is recommended in particular with small samples. Also, interval estimates for both, and additional utilities such as plotting dose-response data. For dev version and change history, see GitHub assaforon/cir.
Authors: Assaf P. Oron [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Assaf P. Oron <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 2.5.1
Built: 2025-03-05 04:02:05 UTC

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Isotonic Regression, Centered Isotonic Regression, and Dose-Response Utilities


This package revolves around centered isotonic regression (CIR), an improvement to isotonic regression (IR). However, it also includes a flexible, useful implementation of IR, confidence-interval estimates for both CIR and IR, and additional utilities for dose-response and dose-finding data.


Isotonic regression (IR) is a standard nonparametric estimation method for monotone data. We have developed an improvement to univariate IR, named centered isotonic regression (CIR). There are heuristic and theoretical justifications to prefer CIR over IR, but first and foremost, in most simulations it produces substantially smaller estimation error. More details appear in Oron and Flournoy (2017).

This package implements CIR, but "along the way" an enhanced interface to univariate IR is also available. IR's base-R implementation isoreg is very limited, as its own help page admits. A few other packages provide versions of IR, but to my knowledge the cir implementation offers some unique conveniences.

In addition, Oron and Flournoy (2017) also develop theoretically-backed confidence intervals applicable to both CIR and IR. The package's convenience wrapper quickIsotone executes CIR (or IR if one chooses estfun = oldPAVA), and returns both point and interval estimates at the specified x values.

Since our motivation for studying IR comes from dose-finding designs such as Up-and-Down, there's analogous functionality for dose-finding ("inverse") estimation of x given specified y values. In particular, quickInverse offers inverse point and interval estimates in a single call. The package now also includes an optional bias-correction shrinkage method for such designs, informed by more recent research (Flournoy and Oron, 2020).

The package's focus is dose-response data with the response assumed binary (coded as 0 or 1). Some functions might work for any input data, but others will not. In particular, the confidence intervals are only applicable to binary-response data.

The package also includes two S3 classes, doseResponse and DRtrace. The former which is more heavily used, is a data frame with elements x, y, wt, summarizing the dose-response information. The latter is a "trace" or a running description of raw dose-response data, with x, y, cohort provided at the resolution of single observations. Each class has a plot method.

If you intend to use cir mostly for analysis of an Up-and-Down experiment, note that the newer package upndown contains more convenient wrapper utilities for such usage. These wrappers use cir functions to carry out the basic estimation and visualization tasks.



Assaf P. Oron.

Maintainer: Assaf P. Oron <>


Oron, A.P. and Flournoy, N., 2017. Centered Isotonic Regression: Point and Interval Estimation for Dose-Response Studies. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 9, 258-267. (author's public version available on

Flournoy, N. and Oron, A.P., 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.

Centered-isotonic-regression (CIR) point estimation


Nonparametric forward point estimation of a monotone response (y) as a function of dose (x), using the centered-isotonic-regression (CIR) algorithm.


  x = NULL,
  wt = NULL,
  outx = NULL,
  full = FALSE,
  dec = FALSE,
  strict = FALSE,
  interiorStrict = TRUE,
  ybounds = 0:1,
  adaptiveShrink = FALSE,



can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a DRtrace object, doseResponse object, or valid input (potentially together with x,wt) to generate a doseResponse object. See doseResponse help for more.


dose levels (if not included in y).


weights (if not included in y).


vector of x values at which predictions will be made. If NULL (default), this will be set to the set of unique values in the x argument (or equivalently in y$x). Non-NULL inputs are relevant only if full=TRUE.


logical, is a more complete output desired? if FALSE (default), only a vector of point estimates for y at outx is returned.


logical, is the true function is assumed to be monotone decreasing rather than increasing? Default FALSE.


logical, should CIR enforce strict monotonicity by "fixing" flat intervals everywhere? Default FALSE.


logical, should CIR enforce strict monotonicity, but only for y values inside of ybounds? Default TRUE. Choosing FALSE will be overridden if strict=TRUE, and a warning will be given.


numeric vector of length 2, relevant only under the default setting of strict=FALSE, interiorStrict=TRUE. Default 0:1. See 'Details'.


logical, should the y-values be pre-shrunk towards a dose-finding experiment's target? Recommended if data were obtained via an adaptive dose-finding design. If TRUE, then must also provide a target argument that will be passed via ....


Other arguments passed on to pre-processing functions.


CIR is a variation of isotonic regression (IR) that shrinks IR's constant ("flat") intervals to single points and interpolates between these points, generating a curve that is strictly monotone everywhere except (possibly) near the boundaries.This is the underlying "engine" function implementing CIR. For a quick and more user-friendly wrapper that provides both point and interval estimates, use quickIsotone.

Flat intervals in the raw input data, are handled with care. Under the default setting (strict=FALSE, interiorStrict=TRUE), flat intervals are treated as monotonicity violations, unless the yy value is on the boundary of its allowed range (default [0,1][0,1], appropriate for binary-response data). On that boundary, flat intervals are left unchanged.

The algorithm is documented and discussed in Oron and Flournoy (2017). The function includes an adaptiveShrink option, to mitigate bias caused when using adaptive designs (Flournoy and Oron, 2020).


under default, returns a vector of y estimates at unique x values. With full=TRUE, returns a list of 3 doseResponse objects name output,input,shrinkage for the output data at dose levels, the input data, and the function as fit at algorithm-generated shrinkage points, respectively.


Assaf P. Oron <>


Oron, A.P. and Flournoy, N., 2017. Centered Isotonic Regression: Point and Interval Estimation for Dose-Response Studies. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 9, 258-267. (author's public version available on

Flournoy, N. and Oron, A.P., 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.

See Also

oldPAVA,quickIsotone; DRshrink for explanation about adaptiveShrink.


# Interesting run (#664) from a simulated up-and-down ensemble:
# (x will be auto-generated as dose levels 1:5)
# CIR, using the default 'quick' function that also provides CIs (default 90%).
# The experiment's goal is to find the 30th percentile. We deploy the empirical bias correction.
quick1=quickIsotone(dat, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, adaptiveCurve = TRUE, target = 0.3)
# Use 'estfun' argument to operate the same function with old PAVA as the estimator
# Here we neglect the bias correction to sharpen the old:new contrast

### Showing the data and the fits
plot(dat, ylim=c(0.05,0.55), las=1) # uses plot.doseResponse()
# The IR fit: a straightforward interpolation

# With CIR, 'quickIsotone' cannot show us the true underlying interpolation; 
# it only provides the estimates at requested points.  Interpolation should be done between 
# shrinkage points, not the original design points. So we must call the full 'cirPAVA' function:

slow1 = cirPAVA(dat, full=TRUE, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, adaptiveCurve = TRUE, target = 0.3)
# Now, compare these 3 (the first one is wrong, b/c it interpolates from design points):
midpts = 1:4 + 0.5
approx(1:5,quick1$y, xout=midpts)$y
# instead, you can just call 'quickIsotone' and specify 'outx'
quickIsotone(dat,outx=midpts , adaptiveShrink = TRUE, adaptiveCurve = TRUE, target = 0.3) 
approx(slow1$shrinkage$x,slow1$shrinkage$y,xout=midpts)$y # Or use 'cirPAVA'

# Ok... finally plotting the CIR curve
# Both flat intervals are shrunk, because neither are at y=0 or y=1
lines(slow1$shrinkage$x,slow1$shrinkage$y, lwd = 2)

# Last but not least, here's the true response function
	legend=c('True Curve','Observations','IR','CIR'), bty='n')

Backend utility to calculate inverse (dose-finding) intervals, using local inversion and the Delta method


Calculate left-bound to right-bound intervals for the dose point estimates, using local slopes at design points (places where observations exist) to invert the forward lower-upper bounds.


  target = (1:3)/4,
  intfun = morrisCI,
  conf = 0.9,
  adaptiveCurve = FALSE,
  minslope = 0.01,
  slopeRefinement = TRUE,
  finegrid = 0.05,
  globalCheck = TRUE,



The output of an estimation function such as cirPAVA,doseFind, with the option full=TRUE. Should be at least a list of 3 doseResponse objects named input, output, shrinkage.


A vector of target response rate(s), for which the interval is needed. Default (since version 2.3.0) is the 3 quartiles ((1:3) / 4). If changed to NULL, interval will be returned for the yy values of isotPoint$output.


the function to be used for initial (forward) interval estimation. Default morrisCI (see help on that function for additional options).


numeric, the interval's confidence level as a fraction in (0,1). Default 0.9.


logical, should the CIs be expanded by using a parabolic curve between estimation points rather than straight interpolation? Default FALSE. Switch to TRUE recommended when adaptive design was used, and target is outside of (0.4, 0.6).


minimum local slope (subsequently normalized by the dose-spacing unit) considered positive, passed on to slope. Needed to avoid unrealistically broad intervals. Default 0.01.


(new to 2.3.0) logical: whether to allow refinement of the slope estimate, including different slopes to the left and right of target. Default TRUE. See Details.


a numerical value used to guide how fine the grid of x values will be during slope estimation. Should be in (0,1) (preferably much less than 1). Default 0.05.


(new to 2.4.0) logical: whether to allow narrowing of the bound, in case the "global" bound (obtained via inverting the forward interval, and generally more conservative) is narrower. Default TRUE.


additional arguments passed on to quickIsotone


This function is the "backend engine" for calculating confidence intervals for inverse (dose-finding) estimation. Methodologically this might be the most challenging task in the package. It is expected that most users will not interact with this function directly, but rather indirectly via the convenience wrapper quickInverse.

The Delta method in this application boils down to dividing the distance to the forward (vertical) bounds, by the slope, to get the left/right interval width. Both forward intervals and slopes are calculated across a standard set of xx values, then interpolated at horizontal cross-sections determined by target. Slope estimates are performed by slope.

Starting version 2.3.0, by default the slope estimate is different to the right and left of target. The intervals should now better accommodate the sharp slope changes that often happen with discrete dose-response datasets. Operationally, the intervals are first estimated via the single-slope approach described above. Then using a finer grid of xx values, weighted-average slopes to the right and left of the point estimate separately are calculated over the first-stage's half-intervals. The weights are hard-coded as quadratic (Epanechnikov).

An alternative and much simpler interval method (dubbed "global") is hard-coded into quickInverse, and can be chosen from there as an option. It is not recommended being far too conservative, and sometimes not existing. It is now also (since version 2.4.0) used in this function as a fallback upper bound on interval width.


two-column matrix with the left and right bounds, respectively

See Also

quickIsotone,quickInverse,isotInterval, slope; DRshrink for the shrinkage fix.


# Interesting run (#664) from a simulated up-and-down ensemble:
# (x will be auto-generated as dose levels 1:5)
dat=doseResponse(y=c(1/7,1/8,1/2,1/4,4/17), wt=c(7,24,20,12,17))
# The experiment's goal is to find the 30th percentile
quick1=quickIsotone(dat, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, target = 0.3)

# For inverse confidence intervals "the long way", 
#    we need a full CIR output object:
fwd1=cirPAVA(dat, full=TRUE, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, target = 0.3)
# Inverse intervals. 
# Note: 'target' specifies the y values at which the interval is calculated.
#       They are selected here based on the y range in which there are estimates.
yvals = c(seq(0.15, 0.3, 0.05), 0.33)
invDelta=deltaInverse(fwd1, target = yvals, adaptiveCurve = TRUE)
# stop()
# We added the adaptiveCurve option because the experiment's target is off-center,
#     and inverse-interval coverage tends to be lacking w/o that option.

### Showing the data and the estimates
par(mar=c(3,3,4,1), mgp=c(2,.5,0), tcl=-0.25)
# Following command uses plot.doseResponse()
plot(dat, ylim=c(0.05,0.55), 
     las=1, xlim=c(0,6.5), main="Inverse-Estimation CIs") 

# The true response function; true target is where it crosses the y=0.3 line
lines(seq(0,7,0.1), pweibull(seq(0,7,0.1), shape=1.1615, scale=8.4839), col=4, lwd=1.5)
abline(h=0.3, col=2, lwd=2, lty=3) ### The experiment's official target

# Forward CIs; the "global" inverse interval just draws horizontal lines between them
# To get these "global" intervals calculated for you at specific targets, choose 'delta=FALSE' 
#      when calling quickInverse()
lines(quick1$y, lwd=1.5, col='purple') 
# Note that only the upper forward bounds intersect the horizontal line at y=0.3.
#   Therefore, via the "global" approach there won't be a finite CI for the target estimate.

# Now, the default "local" inverse interval, which is finite for the range of estimated y values.
# In particular, it is finite for y=0.3.
# Note in the plot, how we make it equal to the "global" bound when the latter is narrower.
lines(invDelta[,1], yvals, lty=2, lwd=2)
lines(invDelta[,2], yvals, lty=2, lwd=2)

legend('topleft', pch=c(NA,NA,'X',NA,NA), lty=c(1,1,NA,2,2), 
       col=c(4,'purple', 1,1,3), lwd=c(1.5,1.5,0,2,1),
       legend = c('True Curve', 'CIR Curve', 'Observations', 
                  'Local Interval (default)',
                  'Forward/Global Interval'), bty='n')

Inverse (dose-finding) point estimate (e.g., estimating a percentile)


Inverse ("dose-finding") point estimation of a dose (x) for a specified target y value (e.g., a response rate), using a user-specified forward-estimation algorithm (default is CIR).


  x = NULL,
  wt = NULL,
  estfun = cirPAVA,
  target = NULL,
  full = FALSE,
  dec = FALSE,
  extrapolate = FALSE,
  errOnFlat = FALSE,
  adaptiveShrink = FALSE,
  starget = target[1],
  tiemeth = "ordered",



can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a 2-column matrix with positive/negative response counts by dose, a DRtrace object or a doseResponse object.


dose levels (if not included in y).


weights (if not included in y).


the name of the dose-response estimation function. Default cirPAVA.


A vector of target response rate(s), for which the percentile dose estimate is needed. See Note.


logical, is a more complete output desired (relevant only for doseFind)? if FALSE (default), only a point estimate of the dose (x) for the provided target rate is returned.


(relevant only for doseFind) logical, is the true function is assumed to be monotone decreasing? Default FALSE.


logical: should extrapolation beyond the range of estimated y values be allowed? Default FALSE.


logical: in case the forward estimate is completely flat making dose-finding infeasible, should an error be returned? Under default (FALSE), NAs are returned for the target estimate.


logical, should the y-values be pre-shrunk towards an experiment's target? Recommended if data were obtained via an adaptive dose-finding design. See DRshrink and the Note.


The shrinkage target. Defaults to target[1].


The method to resolve ties. Default "decide", meaning the function chooses based on context. See Details.


Other arguments passed on to doseResponse and estfun.


The function works by calling estfun for forward estimation of the x-y relationship, then using approx with the x and y roles reversed for inverse estimation. It is expected that most users will not interact with this function directly, but rather indirectly via the convenience wrapper quickInverse.

The extrapolate option sets the rule argument for this second call:

  • extrapolate=TRUE translates to rule=2, which actually means that the x value on the edge of the estimated y range will be assigned.

  • extrapolate=FALSE (default) translates to rule=1, which means an NA will be returned for any target y value lying outside the estimated y range.

Note also that the function is set up to work with a vector of targets.

If the data were obtained from an adaptive dose-finding design and you seek to estimate a dose other than the experiment's target, note that away from the target the estimates are likely biased (Flournoy and Oron, 2019). Use adaptiveShrink=TRUE to mitigate the bias. In addition, either provide the true target as starget, or a vector of values to target, with the first value being the true target.

Tie-breaking - the tiemeth argument passed on as the ties argument for approx() - provides yet another complication: as of 2.5.0, the default is "decide", which means "ordered" - unless target falls on the boundary of y estimates, in which case the most interior x value is chosen. A user-chosen value for tiemeth will override all of that; see ?approx for options.


under default, returns point estimate(s) of the dose (x) for the provided target rate(s). With full=TRUE, returns a list with

  • targest: The said point estimate of x

  • input: a doseResponse object summarizing the input data

  • output: a doseResponse object with the forward estimate at design points

  • shrinkage: a doseResponse object which is the alg output of the forward-estimation function


Assaf P. Oron <>


Flournoy N and Oron AP, 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.

See Also

oldPAVA,cirPAVA. If you'd like point and interval estimates together, use quickInverse.

Shrinkage fix to mitigate bias in observed rates, under adaptive dose-finding designs


Adaptive dose-finding designs induce a bias on observed rates away from the target dose. This is well-known in other adaptive-design fields, but has been overlooked by the dose-finding research community. Flournoy and Oron (2020) examine the bias in the dose-finding context, and suggest a simple shrinkage fix that reduces both bias and variance. The fix is analogous to the empirical-logit fix for zero counts in binary data, but instead of adding 0.5 to each cell, target is added to the 1's at each dose, and 1-target to the 0's. The shrinkage is applied to the raw observation, so CIR or IR are carried out on the shrunk data.


DRshrink(y, x = NULL, wt0 = NULL, target, swt = 1, nmin = 2, ...)



can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a 2-column matrix with positive/negative response counts by dose, a DRtrace object or a doseResponse object.


dose levels (if not included in y).


weights (if not included in y).


the balance point (between 0 and 1) around which the design concentrates allocations.


the weight of the shrinkage. Default 1 (a single observation)


the minimum n at each dose, for the shrinkage to be applied. Default 2.


parameters passed on to doseResponse()


Assaf P. Oron <>


Flournoy N and Oron AP, 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.


## Summary of raw data from the notorious Neuenschwander et al. (Stat. Med., 2008) trial
## Note the use of the 'cohort' argument to specify the cohort order
neundatDose = doseResponse(x=c(1,2.5,5,10,20,25), y = c(rep(0,4),2/9,1), wt = c(3,4,5,4,9,2) )


# Compare to this:
DRshrink(neundatDose, target = 0.3)

Constructor functions and class-checking functions for DRtrace and doseResponse classes


Functions to create and sanity-check objects of the DRtrace (dose-response experiment trace/trajectory) and doseResponse (dose-specific response-rate summary) classes. Note that the latter inherits from the former, purely for programming-convenience reasons.




DRtrace(y, x = NULL, cohort = NULL, noyes = FALSE, ...)

doseResponse(y, x = NULL, wt = rep(1, length(y)), noyes = FALSE, ...)



the object being checked

y, x

see Details.


(DRtrace only) specify each observation's cohorts, if there were cohorts. If all cohorts were the same size, then you can specify the size as a single number. If there were no cohorts, code will default this variable to 1:n


logical, in case of a 2-column input is the 1st column 'no'? Default FALSE, meaning the 1st column is 'yes'.


parameters passed on to DRtrace(), or ignored.


(doseResponse only) the weights associated with each x value; usually the sample size or similar.


The input argument y can include the entire information, or as little as the y vector of responses (for a DRtrace object) or response rates (doseResponse). When including the entire information, it has to be a data frame with at least y (both y and x for DRtrace), or a two-column matrix with 'yes' and 'no' responses (assumed in this order, but can be the reverse with noyes=TRUE). In this case the doses x can be provided as a separate vector, or as the matrix row names. doseResponse will return an error if there are any duplicates in x.

Even though both DRtrace and doseResponse accept two-column yes/no matrix input, the interpretation is different. For the former, this form of input is intended mostly to enable shorthand input when the experiment was run in cohorts. Each row represents a cohort's results, and rows must be in the order the experiment was run. For the latter, the yes-no table is a summary tabulation of responses and is treated accordingly, including rearrangement of rows to increasing x.


For constructor functions, the relevant object. For checking functions, a logical value indicating whether the object meets class definition.


Assaf P. Oron <>

See Also

cirPAVA, plot.doseResponse,plot.DRtrace


## Summary of raw data from the notorious Neuenschwander et al. (Stat. Med., 2008) trial
## Note the use of the 'cohort' argument to specify the cohort order
neundatTrace = DRtrace(x = c(rep(1:4, c(3,4,5,4) ), 7, 7, rep(6,9)),
                       y = c(rep(0,16), 1,1, rep(c(0,0,1),2), 0,0,0), 
                       cohort = rep(1:8, c(3,4,5,4, 2, 3,3,3)) )
par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(2,.5,0), tcl=-0.25)
plot(neundatTrace ,main="N. et al. (2008) Trajectory", xlab = 'Cohort', 
          ylab="Ordinal Dose Level" ,cex.main=1.5)

## Same data, in 'doseResponse' format with actual doses rather than dose levels
neundatDose = doseResponse(x=c(1,2.5,5,10,20,25), y = c(rep(0,4),2/9,1), wt = c(3,4,5,4,9,2) )
plot(neundatDose ,main="N. et al. (2008) Final Dose-Toxicity", ylim=c(0,1),
	xlab="Dose (mg/sq.m./wk)", ylab="Toxicity Response Curve (F)", cex.main=1.5)
## We can also convert the DRtrace object to doseResponse...
neundatLevel = doseResponse(neundatTrace)

### Now plotting the former, vs. IR/CIR estimates
neunCIR0 = cirPAVA(neundatDose,full=TRUE, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, target = 0.3)
lines(neunCIR0$shrinkage$x, neunCIR0$shrinkage$y)
legend(1,1, pch=c(4,NA), lty = 0:1, legend=c('Observations', 'CIR w/bias corr.'), bty='n')

Backend utility to calculate analytical CIR/IR interval estimates, given the point estimates


For confidence intervals at design points (x values with obesrvations), this function calls intfun to do the work. In addition, CIs for any x value are calculated using linear interpolation between design points (note that for CIR, this differs from the interpolation of point estimates which is carried out between shrinkage points, as explained in quickIsotone). The interval estimation method is presented and discussed by Oron and Flournoy (2017).


  outx = isotPoint$output$x,
  conf = 0.9,
  intfun = morrisCI,



The output of an estimation function such as cirPAVA with the option full=TRUE. Should be a list of 3 doseResponse objects named input, output, shrinkage.


vector of x values for which estimates will be made. If NULL (default), this will be set to the set of unique values in isotPoint$x argument (or equivalently in y$x).


numeric, the interval's confidence level as a fraction in (0,1). Default 0.9.


the function to be used for interval estimation. Default morrisCI (see help on that function for additional options).


additional arguments passed on to intfun


a data frame with two variables ciLow, ciHigh containing the estimated lower and upper confidence bounds, respectively.


All provided algorithms and formulae are for binary/Binomial data only. For other data, write your own intfun, returning a two-column matrix.

Interval coverage for extreme percentiles with adaptive designs may be lacking: use adaptiveCurve=TRUE whenever the target is outside (0.4, 0.6). This should work as far as the 10th or 90th percentile, but not for more extreme targets.


Assaf P. Oron <>


Oron, A.P. and Flournoy, N., 2017. Centered Isotonic Regression: Point and Interval Estimation for Dose-Response Studies. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 3, 258-267.

See Also



# Interesting run (#664) from a simulated up-and-down ensemble:
# (x will be auto-generated as dose levels 1:5)
# The experiment's goal is to find the 30th percentile
# Default interval (Morris+Wilson); same as you get by directly calling 'quickIsotone'
# Morris without Wilson; the 'narrower=FALSE' argument is passed on to 'morrisCI'
# Wilson without Morris
# Agresti=Coull (the often-used "plus 2")
# Jeffrys (Bayesian-inspired) is also available

### Showing the data and the intervals
plot(dat,ylim=c(0,0.65),refsize=4,las=1,main="Forward-Estimation CIs") # uses plot.doseResponse()

# The true response function; true target is where it crosses the y=0.3 line



# Plotting the remaining 2 is skipped, as they are very similar to Wilson.

# Note how the default (red) boundaries take the tighter of the two options everywhere, 
# except for one place (dose 1 upper bound) where they go even tighter thanks to monotonicity 
# enforcement. This can often happen when sample size is uneven; since bounds tend to be 
# conservative it is rather safe to do.

=c('True Curve','Observations','Morris+Wilson (default)','Morris only','Wilson only'),bty='n')

Analytical ordered-binary-Y confidence intervals, using the Morris (1988) algorithm


Analytical confidence intervals for CIR and IR, using the recursive algorithm by Morris (1988), equation (4.3), for ordered-binary-Y point estimates. Optionally, the intervals are narrowed further using a backup (unordered) interval estimate at each individual x value.


  phat = y/n,
  conf = 0.9,
  narrower = TRUE,
  alternate = wilsonCI,



integer or numeric vector, the pointwise Binomial counts


integer or numeric vector, the pointwise sample sizes


numeric vector, the point estimates. Defaults to y/n, but when called by isotInterval is overridden by the actual CIR/IR point estimate.


numeric, the interval's confidence level as a fraction in (0,1). Default 0.9.


logical, if the alternate-produced interval is narrower at any point, should it replace the Morris result? Also, can we enforce straightforward monotonocity to narrow the bounds? Default TRUE.


function to use for alternate pointwise interval. Default wilconCI.


parameters passed on to alternate.


The default for backup is Wilson's (wilconCI). Also available are Jeffrys' (jeffCI) and Agresti-Coull (agcouCI).


A two-column matrix with the same number of rows as length(phat), containing the calculated lower and upper bounds, respectively.


This function found and corrected a typo in equation (4.3), namely the use of G_(j+1) in the recursion. The recursion cannot start in this way. Rather, it is the use of theta_(j+1) that delivers information from adjacent doses. Or perhaps in other words, there is only one G function rather than a different one for each dose. The correction has been verified by reproducing the numbers in the Morris (1988) example (Table 1), and also approved by the original author.


Assaf P. Oron <>


Morris, M., 1988. Small-sample confidence limits for parameters under inequality constraints with application to quantal bioassay. Biometrics 44, 1083-1092.

See Also



# Interesting run (#664) from a simulated up-and-down ensemble:
# (x will be auto-generated as dose levels 1:5)
# The experiment's goal is to find the 30th percentile
# Default interval (Morris+Wilson); same as you get by directly calling 'quickIsotone'
# Morris without Wilson; the 'narrower=FALSE' argument is passed on to 'morrisCI'
# Wilson without Morris
# Agresti=Coull (the often-used "plus 2")
# Jeffrys (Bayesian-inspired) is also available

### Showing the data and the intervals
plot(dat,ylim=c(0,0.65),refsize=4,las=1,main="Forward-Estimation CIs") # uses plot.doseResponse()

# The true response function; true target is where it crosses the y=0.3 line



# Plotting the remaining 2 is skipped, as they are very similar to Wilson.

# Note how the default (red) boundaries take the tighter of the two options everywhere, 
# except for one place (dose 1 upper bound) where they go even tighter thanks to monotonicity 
# enforcement. This can often happen when sample size is uneven; since bounds tend to be 
# conservative it is rather safe to do.

=c('True Curve','Observations','Morris+Wilson (default)','Morris only','Wilson only'),bty='n')

"Old School" isotonic-regression point estimates, with flexible dose-response input


Nonparametric forward point estimation of a monotone response (y), using the standard isotonic-regression pool-adjacent-violators algorithm (PAVA). Core code from Raubertas (1994) with many modifications.


  x = NULL,
  wt = rep(1, length(x)),
  outx = NULL,
  full = FALSE,
  dec = FALSE,
  adaptiveShrink = FALSE,



can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a 2-column matrix with positive/negative response counts by dose, a DRtrace object or a doseResponse object.


dose levels (if not included in y). Note that the PAV algorithm doesn't really use them.


weights (if not included in y).


vector of x values for which predictions will be made. If NULL (default), this will be set to the set of unique values in the x argument (or equivalently in y$x). Non-NULL inputs are relevant only if full=TRUE.


logical, is a more complete output desired? if FALSE (default), only a vector of point estimates for y at the provided dose levels is returned


logical, is the true function is assumed to be monotone decreasing? Default FALSE.


logical, should the y-values be pre-shrunk towards an experimental target? May be relevant if data were obtain via an adaptive dose-finding design. See DRshrink.


Other arguments passed on to the constructor functions that pre-process the input.


Compute the isotonic regression (IR) point estimate of a numeric input vector y, with weights wt, with respect to simple order. The core algorithm is still the one coded by R.F. Raubertas, dated 02 Sep 1994. However, the input and output modules have been modified to allow more flexible formats in either direction. The output is also compatible with the convenience wrapper quickIsotone; however you will have to set estfun = oldPAVA to get it to run IR rather than centered isotonic regression (CIR) which is the default for all wrapper functions in this package.

Note that unlike CIR (see cirPAVA), this algorithm does not use the dose (x) values at all. For a discussion why CIR is preferred over the "plain-vanilla" PAVA of this function, see Oron and Flournoy (2017).


under default, returns a vector of y estimates at unique x values. With full=TRUE, returns a list of 3 doseResponse objects named output,input,shrinkage for the output data at dose levels, the input data, and the function as fit at algorithm-generated points, respectively. For this function, the first and third objects are identical.


C.R. Raubertas, Assaf P. Oron <>


Oron, A.P. and Flournoy, N., 2017. Centered Isotonic Regression: Point and Interval Estimation for Dose-Response Studies. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, In Press (author's public version available on

See Also


Plotting Methods for DRtrace, doseResponse Objects


Plotting methods for doseResponse and DRtrace classes.


## S3 method for class 'DRtrace'
  xlab = "Patient Order",
  ylab = "Dose",
  shape = "circle",
  connect = TRUE,
  mcol = 1,
  dosevals = NULL,
  offset = 0.2,

## S3 method for class 'doseResponse'
  xlab = "Dose",
  ylab = "Response",
  pch = "X",
  varsize = TRUE,
  refsize = sqrt(1/mean(x$weight)),
  connect = FALSE,
  mcol = 1,
  dosevals = NULL,



the object, whether DRtrace or doseResponse

xlab, ylab

x-axis and y-axis labels passed on to plot


the plotting shape (DRtrace only): 'circle' (default), 'square', or 'triangle'


logical: whether to connect the symbols (generic plotting type 'b'). Default TRUE for DRtrace and FALSE for doseResponse


The color of the main plotting symbols and connecting lines. Default 1 (the current palette's first color). Note: if you change the color and inadvertently use col instead, there will be an error message.


Dose values to be plotted along the x-axis (plot.doseResponse) or y-axis (plot.DRtrace) . If NULL (default), those will be the doses in the dataset (i.e.,sort(unique(x$x))).


(DRtrace only) In case of a cohort-based experiment, the relative vertical offset between symbols for outcomes within the same cohort (as fraction of dose spacing). Default 0.2.


Other arguments passed on to plot.

Conversely, putting values on a different scale into dosevals, or even text labels instead of numbers, won't work. For the former, change the scale at the source data (i.e., in the plotted object). For the latter, sorry but no solution at present.


the plotting character (doseResponse only), the default being 'X' marks


(doseResponse only) logical, should symbol size vary by sample size? Default TRUE


(doseResponse only) a reference size by which the plotting sizes will be multiplied. Default is 1/sqrt(mean(dr$weight)), scaled so that if varsize = TRUE the weighted-average symbol size is 1. If varsize = FALSE, this argument is equivalent to cex in an ordinary x-y plot() call.


Generic methods for dose-response trajectory/trace (DRtrace), and dose-response summary (doseResponse) class objects. The DRtrace plotting uses the typical convention of plotting dose-finding experimental trace, with dose levels (x) in the vertical axis and 1/0 responses (y) denoted via filled/empty circles, respectively. In other words, this generic plotting method is only relevant for binary 0/1 outcomes. If cohort information is provided via x$cohort (i.e., multiple observations considered as collected together rather than each data point sequentially), then the plotting will respect cohort structure. The doseResponse plotting has response rate on the y-axis and dose on the x-axis, and plots symbols whose area is proportional to the weights.


Assaf P. Oron <>

See Also

doseResponse, DRtrace


## Summary of raw data from the notorious Neuenschwander et al. (Stat. Med., 2008) trial
## Note the use of the 'cohort' argument to specify the cohort order
neundatTrace = DRtrace(x = c(rep(1:4, c(3,4,5,4) ), 7, 7, rep(6,9)),
                       y = c(rep(0,16), 1,1, rep(c(0,0,1),2), 0,0,0), 
                       cohort = rep(1:8, c(3,4,5,4, 2, 3,3,3)) )
par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(2,.5,0), tcl=-0.25)
plot(neundatTrace ,main="N. et al. (2008) Trajectory", xlab = 'Cohort', 
          ylab="Ordinal Dose Level" ,cex.main=1.5)

## Same data, in 'doseResponse' format with actual doses rather than dose levels
neundatDose = doseResponse(x=c(1,2.5,5,10,20,25), y = c(rep(0,4),2/9,1), wt = c(3,4,5,4,9,2) )
plot(neundatDose ,main="N. et al. (2008) Final Dose-Toxicity", ylim=c(0,1),
	xlab="Dose (mg/sq.m./wk)", ylab="Toxicity Response Curve (F)", cex.main=1.5)
## We can also convert the DRtrace object to doseResponse...
neundatLevel = doseResponse(neundatTrace)

### Now plotting the former, vs. IR/CIR estimates
neunCIR0 = cirPAVA(neundatDose,full=TRUE, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, target = 0.3)
lines(neunCIR0$shrinkage$x, neunCIR0$shrinkage$y)
legend(1,1, pch=c(4,NA), lty = 0:1, legend=c('Observations', 'CIR w/bias corr.'), bty='n')

Convenient point and Interval Inverse Estimation ("Dose-Finding"), using CIR or IR


Convenience wrapper for point and interval estimation of the "dose" that would generate a target "response" value, using CIR and IR.


  x = NULL,
  wt = NULL,
  estfun = cirPAVA,
  intfun = morrisCI,
  delta = TRUE,
  conf = 0.9,
  resolution = 100,
  extrapolate = FALSE,
  adaptiveShrink = FALSE,
  starget = target[1],
  adaptiveCurve = FALSE,



can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a 2-column matrix with positive/negative response counts by dose, a DRtrace object or a doseResponse object.


dose levels (if not included in y).


weights (if not included in y).


A vector of target response rate(s), for which the percentile dose estimate is needed. See Note.


the function to be used for point estimation. Default cirPAVA.


the function to be used for interval estimation. Default morrisCI (see help on that function for additional options).


logical: should intervals be calculated using the delta ("local") method (default, TRUE) or back-drawn directly from the forward bounds? See Details.


numeric, the interval's confidence level as a fraction in (0,1). Default 0.9.


numeric: how fine should the grid for the inverse-interval approximation be? Default 100, which seems to be quite enough. See 'Details'.


logical: should extrapolation beyond the range of estimated y values be allowed? Default FALSE. Note this affects only the point estimate; interval boundaries are not extrapolated.


logical, should the y-values be pre-shrunk towards an experiment's target? Recommended when the data were obtained via an adaptive dose-finding design. See DRshrink and the Note below.


The shrinkage target. Defaults to target[1].


logical, should the CIs be expanded by using a parabolic curve between estimation points rather than straight interpolation (default FALSE)? Recommended when adaptive design was used and target is not 0.5.


Other arguments passed on to doseFind and quickIsotone, and onwards from there.


The inverse point estimate is calculated in a straightforward manner from a forward estimate, using doseFind. For the inverse interval, the default option (delta=TRUE) calls deltaInverse for a "local" (Delta) inversion of the forward intervals. If delta=FALSE, a second call to quickIsotone generates a high-resolution grid outlining the forward intervals. Then the algorithm "draws a horizontal line" at y=target to find the right and left bounds on this grid. Note that the right (upper) dose-finding confidence bound is found on the lower forward confidence bound, and vice versa. This approach is not recommended, tending to produce CIs that are too wide.

If the data were obtained from an adaptive dose-finding design and you seek to estimate a dose other than the experiment's target, note that away from the target the estimates are likely biased (Flournoy and Oron, 2019). Use adaptiveShrink=TRUE to mitigate the bias. In addition, either provide the true target as starget, or a vector of values to target, with the first value being the true target.


A data frame with 4 elements:

  • target: The user-provided target values of y, at which x is estimated

  • point: The point estimates of x

  • ⁠lowerPPconf,upperPPconf⁠: the interval-boundary estimates for a 'PP'=100*conf confidence interval


Flournoy N and Oron AP, 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.

See Also



# Interesting run (#664) from a simulated up-and-down ensemble:
# (x will be auto-generated as dose levels 1:5)
# The experiment's goal is to find the 30th percentile
inv1=quickInverse(dat, target=0.3, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, adaptiveCurve = TRUE)
# With old PAVA as the forward estimator, and without the adaptive-design corrections:
inv0=quickInverse(dat, target=0.3, estfun=oldPAVA)

### Showing the data and the estimates
par(mar=c(3,3,1,1), mgp=c(2,.5,0), tcl=-0.25)
plot(dat, ylim=c(0.05,0.55), las=1) # uses plot.doseResponse()

# The true response function; true target is where it crosses the y=0.3 line
# Plotting the point estimates, as "tick" marks on the y=0.3 line
lines(rep(inv1$point,2),c(0.25,0.35), lwd=1.5) # CIR
lines(rep(inv0$point,2),c(0.25,0.35),lty=2, lwd=1.5) # IR
# You could plot the CIs too, 
# Here's code to plot the CIR 90% CI as a light-green rectangle:
# rect(inv1$lower90conf,0.25,inv1$upper90conf,0.35,col=rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.3),border=NA)
#  Intervals are plotted and interval options are explored more extensively 
#       in the 'deltaInverse' help page.

	legend=c('True Curve','Observations','IR Estimate','CIR Estimate'),bty='n')

Convenient Forward point and interval estimation via CIR or IR


One-Stop-shop Forward point and confidence-interval estimation of a monotone response (y) as a function of dose (x), using centered-isotonic-regression (CIR, default) or isotonic regression. Input format is rather flexible. This function calls cirPAVA, oldPAVA, or a user-written function, for the point estimate, then isotInterval for the confidence interval. Vector input is allowed, but the preferred input format is a doseResponse object. An analogous function for dose-finding (inverse estimation) is quickInverse.


  x = NULL,
  wt = NULL,
  outx = NULL,
  dec = FALSE,
  estfun = cirPAVA,
  intfun = morrisCI,
  conf = 0.9,
  adaptiveShrink = FALSE,



can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a 2-column matrix with positive/negative response counts by dose, a DRtrace object or a doseResponse object.


dose levels (if not included in y). Note that the PAV algorithm doesn't really use them.


weights (if not included in y).


vector of x values for which predictions will be made. If NULL (default), this will be set to the set of unique values in the x argument (or equivalently in y$x).


logical, is the true function assumed to be monotone decreasing rather than increasing? Default FALSE.


the function to be used for point estimation. Default cirPAVA.


the function to be used for interval estimation. Default wilsonCI (see help on that function for additional options).


numeric, the interval's confidence level as a fraction in (0,1). Default 0.9.


logical, should the y-values be pre-shrunk towards an experiment's target? Recommended if data were obtained via an adaptive dose-finding design. If TRUE, then must also provide a target argument that will be passed via ....


arguments passed on to other functions (constructor, point estimate and interval estimate).


A data frame with 4 variables:

  • x either the input x values, or outx if specified;

  • y he point estimates of x;

  • ⁠lowerPPconf,upperPPconf⁠ the interval-boundary estimates for a PP=100*conf confidence interval.


You can obtain interpolated point estimates for x values between the observed data by specifying them via outx. However, for CIR, do NOT commit the error of generating estimates at observations, then interpolating using approx. If you need to retain a set of estimates for plotting the entire fitted curve, or for future interpolation at unknown points, call cirPAVA directly with full=TRUE, then use the returned shrinkage data frame for plotting and interpolation. See example code below.

If the data were obtained from an adaptive dose-finding design then away from the design's target the estimates are likely biased (Flournoy and Oron, 2020). Use adaptiveShrink=TRUE to mitigate the bias.


Assaf P. Oron <>


Oron, A.P. and Flournoy, N., 2017. Centered Isotonic Regression: Point and Interval Estimation for Dose-Response Studies. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 9, 258-267. (author's public version available on

Flournoy, N. and Oron, A.P., 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.

See Also



# Interesting run (#664) from a simulated up-and-down ensemble:
# (x will be auto-generated as dose levels 1:5)
# CIR, using the default 'quick' function that also provides CIs (default 90%).
# The experiment's goal is to find the 30th percentile. We deploy the empirical bias correction.
quick1=quickIsotone(dat, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, adaptiveCurve = TRUE, target = 0.3)
# Use 'estfun' argument to operate the same function with old PAVA as the estimator
# Here we neglect the bias correction to sharpen the old:new contrast

### Showing the data and the fits
plot(dat, ylim=c(0.05,0.55), las=1) # uses plot.doseResponse()
# The IR fit: a straightforward interpolation

# With CIR, 'quickIsotone' cannot show us the true underlying interpolation; 
# it only provides the estimates at requested points.  Interpolation should be done between 
# shrinkage points, not the original design points. So we must call the full 'cirPAVA' function:

slow1 = cirPAVA(dat, full=TRUE, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, adaptiveCurve = TRUE, target = 0.3)
# Now, compare these 3 (the first one is wrong, b/c it interpolates from design points):
midpts = 1:4 + 0.5
approx(1:5,quick1$y, xout=midpts)$y
# instead, you can just call 'quickIsotone' and specify 'outx'
quickIsotone(dat,outx=midpts , adaptiveShrink = TRUE, adaptiveCurve = TRUE, target = 0.3) 
approx(slow1$shrinkage$x,slow1$shrinkage$y,xout=midpts)$y # Or use 'cirPAVA'

# Ok... finally plotting the CIR curve
# Both flat intervals are shrunk, because neither are at y=0 or y=1
lines(slow1$shrinkage$x,slow1$shrinkage$y, lwd = 2)

# Last but not least, here's the true response function
	legend=c('True Curve','Observations','IR','CIR'), bty='n')

Piecewise-linear local slopes given a (non-strictly) monotone x-y sequence


Estimate monotone piecewise-linear slopes, with the default behavior forbidding zero slope. This behavior is due to the fact that the function is used to invert confidence intervals using the Delta method. The input interval has to be strictly increasing in x, and (non-strictly) monotone in y (increasing or decreasing).


  outx = x,
  allowZero = FALSE,
  tol = 0.01,
  full = FALSE,
  decreasing = FALSE



numeric or integer: input x values, must be strictly increasing


numeric: input y values, must be monotone (can be non-strict) and in line with the direction specified by decreasing


numeric or integer: x values at which slopes are desired (default: same as input values)


logical: should zero be allowed in the output? Default FALSE


tolerance level: when allowZero=FALSE, slope below that value is considered zero. Default 1e-2. Might need to change if you use unusual units for x or y.


logical: should a more detailed output be provided? Default FALSE (see details under 'Value').


logical: is input supposed to be monotone decreasing rather than increasing? Default FALSE


At design points (i.e., the input x values), the function takes the average between the left and right slopes (on the edges the inside slope is technically replicated to the outside). If allowZero=FALSE (default), the algorithm gradually expands the x range over which slope is observed (by increments of one average x spacing), until a positive slope results. If the input is completely flat in y and allowZero=FALSE, the function returns NAs.


If full=FALSE, returns a vector of slopes at the points specified by outx.

If full=TRUE, returns a list with slopes at the design point (rawslopes), the initial guess at output slopes (initial), and the official final ones (final).

See Also

deltaInverse, which uses this function.

Standard unordered-Binomial confidence interval utilities.


Standard small-sample Binomial confidence interval utilities, using the methods of Wilson, Agresti-Coull and Jeffrys.


wilsonCI(phat, n, conf = 0.9, ...)

agcouCI(phat, n, conf = 0.9, ...)

jeffCI(phat, n, conf = 0.9, w1 = 0.5, w2 = w1, ...)



numeric vector, point estimates for which an interval is sought


integer vector of same length, of pointwise sample sizes


numeric in (0,1), the confidence level


pass-through for compatibility with a variety of calling functions

w1, w2

numeric, weights used in jeffCI only


These functions implement the basic (uncorrected) three intervals which are seen by the consensus of literature as the "safest" off-the-shelf formulae. None of them account for ordering or monotonicity; therefore the cir package default is morrisCI which does account for that, with the 3 unordered formulae used for optional narrowing of the interval at individual points.


A two-column matrix with the same number of rows as length(phat), containing the calculated lower and upper bounds, respectively.

See Also

isotInterval for more details about how forward CIs are calculated, quickInverse for inverse (dose-finding) intervals.


# Interesting run (#664) from a simulated up-and-down ensemble:
# (x will be auto-generated as dose levels 1:5)
# The experiment's goal is to find the 30th percentile
# Default interval (Morris+Wilson); same as you get by directly calling 'quickIsotone'
# Morris without Wilson; the 'narrower=FALSE' argument is passed on to 'morrisCI'
# Wilson without Morris
# Agresti=Coull (the often-used "plus 2")
# Jeffrys (Bayesian-inspired) is also available

### Showing the data and the intervals
plot(dat,ylim=c(0,0.65),refsize=4,las=1,main="Forward-Estimation CIs") # uses plot.doseResponse()

# The true response function; true target is where it crosses the y=0.3 line



# Plotting the remaining 2 is skipped, as they are very similar to Wilson.

# Note how the default (red) boundaries take the tighter of the two options everywhere, 
# except for one place (dose 1 upper bound) where they go even tighter thanks to monotonicity 
# enforcement. This can often happen when sample size is uneven; since bounds tend to be 
# conservative it is rather safe to do.

=c('True Curve','Observations','Morris+Wilson (default)','Morris only','Wilson only'),bty='n')